Vladimir and Jon recently completed a control panel for a 170 ton fishing vessel. In an earlier post we talked about Splitting a Two-Circuit RSW System, taking a system that had two chillers but only one condenser, one compressor, one receiver, and one ineffective control system, and making into two separate, complete systems. This is the panel for that boat.
You can see the controls are symmetrical; one half for one system and one half for the other. They are monitored on a single screen. Most major components “talk” to the controls, and the user can monitor each component via the touch-screen display. It includes pressure and temperature inputs, refrigerant levels, and other data from the chillers, compressors, motors, and other components.
Another great feature is that it can be operated from a smart phone or computer anywhere in the world. Whether its the engineer on the bridge or a technician in another country, as long as both you and the vessel have an internet connection and the log in information, you can monitor virtually every aspect of your refrigeration system and adjust many settings You can also chase down any problems that might occur, send a technician directly to the trouble area, and even trouble-shoot with the help of one of our techs thousands of miles away. Very cool.
Vladamir wrote custom programming for this project and Jon built the panel. Pretty much everything we do here at Teknotherm is custom designed for a specific ship or facility. No out-of-the-box panels for us! This control panel has multiple safeties and the highest quality components we can find. “Robust” is what they call it. This particular panel underwent three full days of testing and fine-tuning before it left our shop.